Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Who is Santa?

Who is Santa?
Santa is hope, Santa is faith, Santa is an embodiment of unconditional love.  The spirit of Christmas that lends credence to Santa goes beyond religion. Children all over the world, whether they follow Christianity or not, believe in Santa. They believe because the want to. For small children, Santa is their parents not because they hide presents for them in the socks or under the pillow or near the Christmas tree but because they are always present for them with a promise to take care of them and do everything possible to fill their lives with happiness.

Somewhere deep down we all want Santas in our lives, someone who would make our wishes come true how much ever impossible they might seem. What if I say that Santa is there for adults too making their wishes come true?  Yes, it’s true, we all do have Secret Santas in our lives. It’s just that he doesn’t come in a red costume and a white beard with sack full of gifts saying HO HO HO. He comes in the form of our spouses, relatives, friends, colleagues and sometimes even strangers who make our wishes come true and sometimes even bail us out of difficult situations.

Ever observed a child’s conviction and zeal while writing letters to Santa? There is a highest degree of optimism and belief, that Santa will definitely grant their wish. When parents read those letters and place gifts accordingly, they are unknowingly nurturing the power of positive thinking. But somewhere while growing up we stop believing in Santa and stop writing letters to him. That is the beginning of our struggles in life and a feeling slowly creeps up that no Santa is going to come to set things right. I have to set things right myself resulting in more stress and ultimately depression. And then comes the most interesting and in a way hilarious part. Life is full of stress and failures and some well-wisher gifts us a book on the POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING. How paradoxical is that? Heavy words, heavy concepts and we come back taking a full circle.

So, who is Santa? Santa is the POWER of positivity and optimism. Never let Santa die in your heart and you’ll never need any seminar or book on positive thinking!!!
Merry Christmas!!!
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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Customised Learning: The magic mantra!

Customised Learning: The magic mantra! 

Childhood is blissful and parenting is a creative art. When we, today’s millennial parents, are blessed with our little angels, we at times go overboard by expecting to make them superheroes striving to make them excel in all fields. Is this wrong? Absolutely not, our children do have the capability of exceling in many fields. If only we had a magic mantra! But all parents do have a magic mantra with them which even they are at times oblivious to. So today, I’m going to open your own power to you. 

Parenting starts from the time the child is born and we become the backbone of their journey. We hand hold our child when she takes her first steps; teach her how to eat , read, write; even help her in her first bicycle experience. Then how can we leave her in this vast world of obtaining knowledge alone? When the targets are big, and the time is short, the approach has to be strategic and with the times.

Today’s is a world of customised solutions, then why not customise the “learning” for your child as well. Strange, as it may sound, but it’s true. Every child has her unique learning style and it’s up to the parent how to use her unique learning style effectively for getting best results. Believe you me, nobody else is better equipped to do it for your child than you yourself. Nobody else understands the unspoken, the unexpressed and the uncomprehended truths about your child than you yourself.  Nobody has more fire in their belly to see your child succeed then you yourself. Nobody can surpass all limits to bring your child on top than you yourself. Then who would you choose to be your child’s best mentor when you are looking for nothing but the best for your child? Its time to take the command in your own hands and show your child how to conquer the world. 

First and foremost, identify your child’s inherent learning style. There are several theories but let me keep it as simple and easy to understand as possible. There are five basic styles of learning Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, Physical and Social. Your prime role as a parent is to observe your child in various circumstances and situations and try to understand how she picks up a new piece of information most effectively. 

Is she grasping most effectively by seeing and watching or when you explain with drawings? If yes, then her natural learning style is ‘Visual’. Then the best teaching instruments that would yield best results are picture books, maps, web charts, Venn diagrams, charts, graphs, flow charts, labelled diagrams, symbolic arrows, circles, hierarchies, pictographs, videos and other devices used to represent what could have been presented in words. 

If she retains more information just by overhearing othersconversations, remembers answers to difficult questions when you read it out to her or listening to audio recordings, then her instinctive learning style is ‘Auditory’. The easiest methodology here is to make sure they attend their lectures regularly. Just by listening attentively, half their job is done. Following it up with one to one discussion / chat, group discussions, audio tapes, telephonic discussions, etc. will do the rest of the job. Basically, the mantra here is to listen, listen and listen. 

Another style is Reading/Writing which essentially means text based information input and output. Children having this learning style are best able to assimilate information when Information is displayed as words. This includes all forms books, manuals, reports, essays, and assignments. Your child might be termed as studious or a book worm but the fact of the matter is that this is her inherent learning style. Luckily it suits the child most as it is the classical way of imparting knowledge in school the text book method.

If your child prefers gathering information through experience and practice, then her inherent learning style is Kinesthetic or in simple words Physical. She would learn best by hands on experience. The best tools in your toolbox here are cards, games, props, puppets, experiments, demonstrations, simulations, case studies, videos and movies. It would make a lot of sense to choose a school that follows experiential pedagogy.

We, however, cannot undermine the importance of another important learning style which is ‘Social’. Small children often form a parent, teacher, sibling or friend as their role model and start adopting all good as well as bad attributes of their role model knowingly or unknowingly. This can be very risky because the child is not using her intelligence. I personally feel, kids need to be counselled to make their own personality based on their own likes and dislikes rather than trying to be like someone else. 

Now that you have identified your childs inherent learning style, does that mean that your child will always be weak in other styles? No, it’s not that your child has only one style and the rest are missing. It’s a mix, a complex overlap with one dominating style. It just means that her natural learning style is like the best weapon in her armour, her trump card, and will come in handy in the most difficult of topics giving results with least possible effort. Other styles have to be slowly built some from scratch if they are totally missing, which is very rare, or from the stage they are. So, if your child’s visual style is at level five, maybe her auditory style is at level one. We can maximise results by using her most dominant learning style simultaneously building all the other styles from the level they are at with all consciousness. The fact remains, if the child knows what her natural learning style is, she can use it as her most powerful weapon when needed. 

Her unique learning style will not just help her academically but will also help her choose her hobbies and extra-curriculars. With the support of her dominant learning style her rate of success in every field is very high. For example, a child with dominant visual learning style can remember her speech better if she visualises it as a flow chart. Being aware of ones inherent learning style would help a person all his life, be it office or household. It builds confidence to be able to achieve goals in every field. 

So, next time your child is struggling with a particular concept, step back and re-think. Instead of pushing her harder and in the process demoralising her, suggest her to shift the methodology for understanding the same concept using tools from her inherent style and see the magic! 

Happy Parenting! 

Nirmit Sinha Goel

To know more follow the link:  Visit Here

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Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Concept of an experience book

The Concept of an Experience Book
-         A note to parents from the Author’s desk

We, the millennial parents have a few burning issues which keep on haunting us day in and day out. One of the biggest challenges of parents today is

How to reduce the screen time of their children?

How many of us are trying hard to inculcate a good reading habit in our kids but they seem to be glued to media and gaming, be it television or smartphones or tabs? If you are one of them, continue to read on.

Let’s compare a children’s book with a cartoon movie and you have to choose one, what would you choose? Both are colourful, attractive and interesting but watching a video is a passive activity not requiring any effort from the end user while reading a book requires an effort to read and comprehend. Isn’t the choice simple? Clearly, books need to have a bigger attraction to grab your child’s attention.

This is where an experience book can come in handy as an effective learning tool. Reading books is like seeing the world through the eyes of the author. We might relate to it, we might not. In Xperienci-o-pedia books, you would paste the pictures of the child having a particular experience. The child definitely relates to it. Here, the main character is your child and the setting is familiar as the child has himself experienced it. 

We visit a lot of places with our child but are not able to give him much of knowledge related to what we see mainly due to lack of time and also sometimes due to lack of knowledge ourselves. At the max, we are able to throw some “nouns” at him. Look! That is xyz but nothing more than that. The Xperienci-o-pedia books are written in a way so as to develop all the relevant vocabulary and language easily without the burden of studies.

 Story-telling as an art has long proven to be the best way to impart lessons in an effective manner. The Xperienci-o-pedia books take a step further by bringing “Knowledge” also in its purview. In Xperienci-o-pedia books, all scientifically correct facts are woven into interesting stories related to that experience. So, a child reading these stories easily picks all academic vocabulary and can talk about it like a pro.

Life doesn’t come in chapters or in different phases of life. It comes as a whole and together at the same time. That’s precisely how it should be taught to a child so that he/she gets a complete picture rather than trying to figure out with just a few pieces of puzzle in hand. Isn’t that how our conventional schooling has been? What is taught later in different classes as a part of separate curriculum can be easily grasped without any academic pressure at the time when the child has experienced it personally. 

Children need a lot of repetitions before a concept is registered in their permanent memory. With his pictures in the book, your child would pick up his Xperienci-o-pedia book again and again, just like his photo album, would like you to read it to him several times and even share it with anyone who comes home, in the process going through the content innumerable times.

Xperienci-o-pedia Series can become an effective tool in the junior school pedagogy and has the potential to revolutionize the field of education as well as parenting.

Happy parenting!

To know more follow the link Visit Here

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